New horizons for your innovative projects thanks to European schemes

Do you dream of propelling your innovative projects to a European level? We’re ready to lift your ideas to new horizons. Why apply for European funding?

  • Large-scale opportunity: develop your projects on a larger scale thanks to European funding, creating new opportunities for your company.
  • Visibility and credibility: gain visibility and credibility at European level, strengthening your market position.
  • Grow your network: enrich your network with strategic partners.
  • Access to new markets: open new commercial horizons, stimulating the growth of your business.
  • Financing R&D projects: obtain the financial resources you need to bring to successfully carry out your R&D projects.


From identifying European calls for projects to building your roadmap, we are with you every step of the way. As members of the Noé Bretagne and EBN networks, we have the expertise to support you in your search for partners, offer critical reviews of your application files, advise you on the administrative follow-up of your project and help maximise your chances of success. Contact us to turn your projects into European reality!

We accompany you at every step:

1. Embarking on a European project

Assessing the capacity of the company and the project Identifying the right financing tool

2. Looking for partners

Businesses, laboratories technical centres...

3. Preparing your proposal

Structuring the project Submitting it on time!

4. Writing the proposal

Writing assistance, critical proofreading

5. Securing the launch and implementation

Advice on administrative and financial management


Cheffe de projet Europe & Innovation


Chargée de mission Mer / Europe

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